Salmon Safe Hops


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      Sockeye has a long history of giving back, and in recent years we have been especially focused on ecological sustainability, partnering with organizations like Idaho Rivers United and the Idaho Conservation League to pitch in on protecting the sensitive ecosystems and habitats that make Idaho so special, and we are beginning to do similar work in Montana and Alaska where we also send our beer now. In 2024, we took a big step toward sustainability in our own production, moving to Salmon Safe Certified hops in our Single Hop Pale Ale Series, which is a rotating line of Pale Ales that showcase the best hops from our favorite farms, and gives a dollar back per case sold to river health in our territory.

      Salmon Safe is an ecolabel initiative in the Northwest working to implement farming practices and developments that protect water quality, maintain watershed health and restore habitat, and farm accreditation and certification is a big part of what they do. Growing beer ingredients, hops in particular, can have detrimental impacts on watersheds and thus also on fragile migratory salmon populations. Things like fungicides and fertilizers used in hop production, even natural and organic ones, often leach into groundwater and collect in river basins where elements like ph levels, and phosphorous and nitrogen content can be thrown off, making it difficult or impossible for salmon to run, spawn, and thrive. Key elements of Salmon Safe certification include phasing out pesticides that are harmful to fish and wildlife, restoring stream buffers, reducing irrigation water use, enhancing biodiversity through ecological set-asides or native and pollinator-friendly plantings and ensuring that there is no runoff or erosion from farms.

      Our Single Hop Pale series has used Salmon Safe hops since the start of this year, so beers like Azacca, Cashmere, and Strata all feature the Salmon Safe logo on the can. More hop farms and thus more hop varietals with this certification are coming available all the time, and we will remain dedicated to featuring these in each beer in this series. It is our goal to bring Salmon Safe hops to other Sockeye beers, to begin to explore Salmon Safe grain options, and to continue to do our part to use beer as a vehicle to make the world a better place. Salmon and their habitats are vital to the overall health of the Northwest, and we are thankful to be able to play a small part in protecting and enhancing the place we share with them.

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